123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more

1:03pm 02-20-2024
I’m sorry I think that I didn’t express myself properly last time we spoke. I was at work and dropped everything to talk to you since it isn’t often that our schedules line up. I thought I was giving good advice since I don’t have certain opportunities I thought maybe your locale would allow you. I thought we’d stay in contact but if it’s not what you want I’ll accept that. I’ll be broken hearted of course but that’s on me. I just wanted to apologize and say love you.
Replied on: 6:21pm 02-27-2024

i felt like you stabbed me when you told me i should "get irl stuff to help distract from snotty online stuff". youve never been so mean to me. i cried and cried and cried after that. i thought to myself i was overreacting, ed would never be so mean to me, but everyone else i asked about it said wow, that was super fucked up, i can't believe someone would say that. i do actually have irl stuff to worry about believe it or not. shocker

you really didn't need to drop everything for me. you shouldn't have if it was an inconvenience to you

i'd rather just disappear than be more of a bother to you sorry for wasting your time with my cringe insecurities. you were a good friend but i think i've irritated people quite enough

i am aware of how eyeroll inducing this is

by the way, you have my email, why are you sending this where everyone can see

1:51pm 02-07-2024
jun is the best.
6:50pm 01-07-2024
Very big fan of your site! Jolly good show to you!
10:54pm 11-13-2023
leigh kidzombie
YOUR ART so super scrumptious also love ur website bye x)
11:51pm 10-01-2023

11:02am 07-21-2023
jsyk put a dni or something on your site bc it's hard to try follow you if I don't know, thnx or maybe I missed it idk
8:31pm 07-11-2023
hihii ur rlly cool!!
4:37pm 07-09-2023
came all the way from spacehey!
12:18am 05-08-2023
didnt you code your site?
Replied on: 6:53am 05-08-2023

i did! why do you ask ^^

8:06am 05-02-2023
love you lots your hard work is coming along so wonderfully!
2:09pm 04-30-2023
3:06pm 04-26-2023
LOVING the site theme keep up d good work
4:22am 04-26-2023
whats up nancy your website looks cool as fak...
2:35am 04-26-2023
omg hii your site too me back to the 2000s literally love it
2:25am 04-26-2023
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i hope this copy and pastes right 0_0 signs my name so cutely
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